Nina comes to life…

Nina pushing
Basta con questi sfondi bianchi! Sono noiosi!

The past couple of weeks have included a lot of my own “life,” which though fun and even important at times, meant I didn’t draw as much as I would have liked. I’ve been doing some experiments in traditional mixed media, but…nah. So on Saturday, just for fun I developed a quick digital sketch that I had started months ago with the same character from a previous post. This time I used the Gouache a Go Go brush.

In many ways, this drawing was a lesson in how not to work efficiently! I wanted to play around with puppet warp and adjustment layers, but I applied them too soon, so afterwards it was hard to make corrections without ruining the effect. Then the character looked too old, so I enlarged her head after the fact. All throughout I found myself coloring willy nilly over my black outline drawing. I thought I wanted outlines, but maybe not! And then, even though I think figure drawing is one of my stronger points, in this drawing everything came down to whether I could invent convincing anatomy on the spot, because I didn’t want to be too dependent on reference. I’m sure I’ll see all the mistakes tomorrow…

But I like that this drawing fits my character. I imagine this girl, whom I call Nina, as energetic and full of mischief but still empathetic, so while sometimes she might find herself in trouble out of sheer exuberance, she doesn’t mean to cause any harm. I got this pose from a stick figure, but I think that now that I’ve made it into a full drawing, it fits her.* She’s neither a doll-like little girl nor a super heroine, but a real child. She is based on many different little girls that I see in my neighborhood. Whether she’s about four like in the last drawing, or a bit older like in this one, remains to be seen.

I’m also pretty sure she has other clothes than an origami dress and day-glo green plastic rain boots, but that can wait. For now, I’m working on brushes and poses. But next I’d like to try an environment and a bit of back story. Wish me luck!

*I added a caption. Want to guess what it means? Or better yet, make up one of your own?

4 thoughts on “Nina comes to life…

  1. I LOVE her and her clothes and especially her boots! And her hair! But have no idea what the caption says. Remember. You have many followers who don’t speak Italian!! I can’t imagine how hard this technique is when you could take a pen and a brush and have it done in minutes. But I am SO impressed that you are becoming proficient in this new method! Well done!!!

    1. Thanks! Actually, drawing something like this is easier in digital, once you learn the technique. The reason for drawing in traditional media has more to do with the kind of look one wants. And although I appreciate your confidence in me, none of my drawings in any medium ever takes just a few minutes or I’d be posting a lot more often!

      Sorry, but Nina doesn’t speak English yet. There is always Google translate, and we can send her to Sarie’s school, but meanwhile here’s a hint: She’s critiquing her surroundings 😉

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